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Lives on the Line

Cardiac Arrests in Australia and Incident Tracker

Would You Like 12% Odds?

🫀 More than 25,000 Cardiac Arrests Happen Each Year in Australia

🔢 For every 100, only 12 people will survive.

📊 Who is Affected?

  • 👨 60% are Male
  • 👩 40% are Female
  • 🌅 A significant number of cardiac arrests occur in the morning as people wake up.

Latest Cardiac Arrest Incidents in Australia

Here’s the last ten that occurred around Australia based on previous years’ estimates…

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Cardiac Arrests are NOT Heart Attacks

⚠️ They have many causes.

Cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops beating due to an electrical malfunction. This stops blood flow to the body, leading to collapse, loss of breathing, and unconsciousness within seconds.

💔 It’s different from a heart attack, which occurs when blood flow to part of the heart is blocked, but the heart continues beating.

Cardiac Arrest = Electrical Problem ⚡
Heart Attack = Circulation Problem 🩸

What Causes Cardiac Arrest?

🧬 Genetics – Inherited electrical issues can increase risk.

💊 Drugs – Some substances disrupt electrical signals and damage heart cells.

🌊 Drowning – Oxygen deprivation can cause the heart to stop beating.

💥 Trauma – Blows to the chest or major blood loss can interrupt the heart’s function.

❤️ Heart Conditions – Irregular heartbeats and blockages can trigger cardiac arrest.

You Can Make a Difference

Defibrillation within 3 minutes can increase survival chances to 70%. Every minute without CPR or a defibrillator reduces survival chances by 10%. Get trained today with Accidental Health & Safety Toowoomba.

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